Support local whisper transcription using whisper.cpp
Alex Brown
Avoid having to send audio files to OpenAI's whisper service and leaving the local device. Instead, utilize whisper.cpp and do all transcription locally offline. An example is's use for local transcription.
Alex MacCaw
Unfortunately, after all of our testing, this is not possible to do performantly with a large model locally just yet. It works great on my souped-up Mac, but for older Macs and iPads, it doesn't work. The good news is that we have figured out how to make it much faster to do remotely.
sam c
Merged in a post:
Client Side Whisper
sam c
Audio transcription on the client side. It should be faster and work offline and be more secure.
Carlos McCoy
This would be cool assuming there's no trade-off in transcription quality
sam c
Client-side Whisper is planned
Navid Avicenna
This would be particularly useful for times when you're not connected to internet.