YouTube / Video / Web Embeds
Jonathan Simcoe
Similarly to how Reflect has Twitter embeds, it would be wonderful to have scaled video embeds.
Also, it would be wonderful to be able to embed things like Loom videos, Figma designs, etc.
Even just having a universal embed block type would enable lots of different kind of content embeds.
Daniel Wentsch
This being marked complete is wrong, as only YT and Twitter embeds are possible today, uploaded videos, Looms, Figma etc (as suggested in the FR) are not possible yet but would be super helpful :)
Skyler Reeves
I agree with Daniel Wentsch, this FR should be reopened. Just tried to embed a Loom video and realized it's not possible.
Trevin Chow
This is marked as complete but I don’t see this working. I share a video link from the YT app to reflect mobile app on iOS. It just appears as a text link in my daily note. No embed in that or the backlinked note
Alex MacCaw
Skyler Reeves
Alex MacCaw: Please reopen this FR. Loom embeds (and others mentioned in the FR) don't seem to be possible yet.
Mitsuki Fukunaga
Also need audio embeds, ie: SoundCloud, Spotify, Anchor, etc...
Joseph Wood
Yes, please! This would be so useful. Especially considering Logseq has a native feature that allows you to timestamp your notes with a YouTube video. It's so nice. At least a basic YouTube embed would be a start.
Chris Moore
Yes! Resizable like how you can in Notion.
Loom, YouTube, Wistia, and Vimeo would be a great start, simply by pasting in the link.